Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Why Not To Use Google AdSense Ads.

Google AdSense is the main advertisements offered on blogger hosted blogs, but are they really worth the worry of making them, and do they actually make money? The answer is no. Blogger has provided an easy outlet for promotion of the Google AdSense program, at a loss to Bloggers using the Blogger platform (confusing much?).

AdSense text ads look terrible, let's face it. Although they are marketed as 'non-offensive' it is really the opposite when you think about it. If you add AdSense into your blog with a blended colour scheme, it is often difficult to tell your content from your ads. This is bad for both the blog readers and the writer. Blog readers often accidently click on ads, causing them to become annoyed and leave your website. Blog writers lose readers because they dislike the look of the site. On top of that, as Google AdSense does not openly disclose their cut of your earnings through clicks, it's pretty obvious that they are ripping you off.

There are many other options for advertising on your blog. Just search for website ads on your favourite search engine. Or for a change, don't advertise at all.

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