Friday, June 13, 2008

Indonesian President Warns Aussie Prime Minister Over Trade Warning.

Australia's Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, has been over in Indonesia for talks on matters between the two countries. During these talks, Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono forced the issue of Australia's Travel Warnings against Indonesia.

It appears that President Yudhoyono is unhappy with the travel warnings. After all, it was over 2 years ago since many, many Australians were killed in the Bali bombings. Representatives of the Indonesian government later denied claims that President Yudhoyono said any such thing, claiming an interpreter's interpretation error as the culprit.

The travel warning hasn't seemed to deter all Australian tourists from travel to the country, with reports of well over 100,000 travelling there last year.

All in all, I believe President Yudhoyono really should not have forced the issue of travel warnings the way he did, maybe privately with Kevin Rudd would have been more becoming.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Chopper Reid Listens to Gwen Stefani.

Well, I catch the bus this morning to school and guess who I was greeted with, a Chopper Reid look-a-like. He had the 'mo, hair, everything, and funnily enough, was listening to Gwen Stefani "What you waiting for".

I mean come on, this guy, looks like one of the most notorious armed robbers in Australia, listening to "look at your watch now, you're still a super hot female" and "take a chance you stupid 'ho", Funny. Here's something to give you a better idea.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Entrecard - Your Blogging Traffic Solution.

I was in a bit of a dilemma when creating this blog. How was I going to advertise it? I looked into many options, but all of them - forum advertisement, posting on other blogs, SEO, all seemed to take ages to kick in and produce real traffic. But I found a solution! Entrecard!

Entrecard is a great blogging website (as well as community and shop...) that uses an online money system, 'Entrecards'. You can get Entrecards by visiting other Entrecard integrated blogs and clicking on the little Entrecard widget, as well as by having other people click on your entrecard and promote their blog on your blog. What can you do with Entrecards? You can promote your blog on other websites by buying a daily advertisement for a specified amount of Entrecards (the more visitors to the website you promote on, the more Entrecards), buy stuff from the shop and send Entrecards to other people.

All in all, Entrecard helps you to get involved in the community, build traffic to your blog, and obtain free stuff from the shop!

Why Not To Use Google AdSense Ads.

Google AdSense is the main advertisements offered on blogger hosted blogs, but are they really worth the worry of making them, and do they actually make money? The answer is no. Blogger has provided an easy outlet for promotion of the Google AdSense program, at a loss to Bloggers using the Blogger platform (confusing much?).

AdSense text ads look terrible, let's face it. Although they are marketed as 'non-offensive' it is really the opposite when you think about it. If you add AdSense into your blog with a blended colour scheme, it is often difficult to tell your content from your ads. This is bad for both the blog readers and the writer. Blog readers often accidently click on ads, causing them to become annoyed and leave your website. Blog writers lose readers because they dislike the look of the site. On top of that, as Google AdSense does not openly disclose their cut of your earnings through clicks, it's pretty obvious that they are ripping you off.

There are many other options for advertising on your blog. Just search for website ads on your favourite search engine. Or for a change, don't advertise at all.